The entire petition was for a pre-EOC server, not an 06/07 server. All us players want to play the game just how it was before the EOC. 2007 runescape barely has any of the key features like GWD, so if we all think about it, the whip will be the best weapon in the game.
why not a server right before the eoc?
Because in jagex's words: "We strongly believe that the changes we’ve made to the main game are the right ones, representing the future of RuneScape. The 2007 server vote is for players who want to experience the old days and don’t mind the differences in gameplay and visuals from over 5 years ago. "
So rather than sort of admitting to a mistake and releasing what we really wanted, it looks better and feels more comfortable to them to release a server that is much different so they can say its just a retro version of the game. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful that they are even doing this, but I still believe since the entire petition support was for pre-EOC servers, not 06/07 servers, that we should get what we wanted. The reason above for not doing it says in my opinion that they do have the save before the EOC, but they dont want to use it.
14-Feb-2013 03:40:07