Best thing that could ever happen to runescape. I stopped playing runescape quite a long time ago because I HATED the updates. Hope this project work and that we get REAL RS back
Sorry for those who likes EOC but if the choice was mine, I would just take down EOC and get the game back to 2007. I though it was impossible but it seems some people like EOC so... well you surely didn't play runescape back then 2006-2007 **
YESSSS. Thank you so much for considering this Jagex! This is what the community has been asking for. See what happens when you take suggestions from the community? You could potentially win a bunch of previous members back and get the community back to what it was like 5+ years ago! Thank you Jagex, you have made my day.
I will deff be voting yes on this..since back in 07 everything was better..things were hard as they were suppose to be...all the bosses are just no challenge now :/
@Brad 76
You're the exact type of person that the "2013 baby" stereotype is based on, you don't even know that rune plates can be bought from an NPC after having finished Dragon Slayer.
That is an interesting move. After I am sure that you guys said that you wont be making a 2007 server. I don't mind it actually being released. I will be heading over to 2007 scape for sure to see what has changed. Maybe even make a character on there!
Its like playing 2 games. I suppose this is a good idea actually.
I think Jagex should add things like phat or other cosmetic "rares" that you can buy from a store. Now, these "rares" would be ridiculously expensive but it would let people show how rich they are.