For over a month, less than 90k people watch your Behind the Scenes videos. You need to have * A L L * members aware of this vote. Something should pop up on the screen and not let them play the game until they click "YES" or "NO".
Ms Glamazeon - I've never been a complainer for an old version to be released.
Everyone just seems to think 2007Scape will be free for everyone. No, you'll have to be a member to play it, and Jagex is dancing around that face. lol
Ol'Right Ladies & Gentlewomen ! Please if you have not played Runescape before Grand Exchange and Before the Wilderness was taken out of Runescape, just don't comment..
Becuase you wouldn't know what kind of fun we are all speaking of.
I hope the 07 servers get put out and hopefully have millions of players online @ a time like there once was. I remember RSC having like 2M+ players on @ a time.