Damn! I was so excited for old Pest Control before they killed with with the updates but came to realize that they ruined it July 17, 2007. A month before this backup.
PLEASE JAGEX BRING BACK OLD PC! I met so many great people because of this minigame. Be nice to see some of the old clans too such as zps.
OKAY soooo.. I don't have a problem at starting at level 3 again.. I DO have a problem if we can't buy a rune scimitar after a week of training to get 40 attack because there's none in the game. I mean like, waiting for someone to get like 90 smithing.. it'll take MONTHS... Seriously cbb with that lol, but anyways.. I'd play.. anything beats eoc.
Hate to be the guy who says this, but GWD was released August 28th, 2007. I'm personally fine with this, however many potential voters probably would want Gwd
ok these level of votes need to be worked out as i think alot of your "members" currently are bots. and i also think the poll needs to be opened to previous members. i quit runescape and cancelled my rs membership because i do not support microtransactions in the slightest. i dont wanna have to pay $8 or so just to make a vote on the poll because the way the current game is i refuse to play it as long as it has those microtransactions. but if 2007 servers come out i will reboot my rs memebership hoping that yall figure out a way to make just a membership tier for just the 2007 servers so i can go back to paying $5 a month like i had been before i quit. same with runescape classic i will not pay full membership price for it but if yall made a membership tier for just classic say like $1- $2.50 or something i would be willing to pay that for rsc. i dont mind paying the full membership if there is a 2007 server though i would much prefere a tier price of what membership used to be back then.
Yes, Definitely YES. This is one of the BEST ideas Jagex has ever had. I'd LOVE to see the 2007 version of the game back. I've been waiting for this for years(:
I think by making it a members only vote is to generate money for this project.You want to vote you need to be a member,so therefore you pay a fee.All in all it'snot a bad idea on the part of Jagex.You must realise for this to happen money issues must be resolved first.No funds for it, no team to work on the project.
i think this is just a bunch of bs since eoc came out 1 mod mark even said that eoc should not have been released 2 im sure i guys can come up with pre eoc files i think this is just another way of burning more players for money i payed for my membership for the last 4 years hell no i wont start over u guys moved lvls along with the eoc im so sure u can do it again with watever severs u guys come up with i think this guy that runs jagex should hang it up move on u runied this game beyond repair now i think u guys need the per eoc severs to bring bk players hell if u have to rehire the guy that formed jagex in the 1st place to get u guys all sorted again this time when he fixs leave it the hell alone.........ty just my say