Can't wait for BH and PVP to be released in a year or so when people get over the nostalgia of struggling to find items and OH YEAH!!!! don't forget how fun tutorial island was, that will definitely keep players playing for years!!! /sarcasm.
I did tutorial island 4 times and each time was no better than the other, granted it is definitely better than the crap in the current game. Also, why not let us carry our accounts back? Like untradeables and skills back in 2007. (you can take away summoning and dungeoneering). I never liked the community. There have always been mean people who just like to ruin others' days and was no fun**** and PVP was the funnest time for me, first time going members. I did pk back in 06 on a f2p account where i was a mage who collected runes at that castle in the wilderness... sadly i forgot the name, cba to look it up.
IDC what anyone says, G.E was a great update, like oh no! It didn't stop you from buying items from other players but you just don't like it because other players know how to use it, and do use it more than you. (to all the G.E Haterz)
14-Feb-2013 01:30:44