My two bits:
I fail to understand the logic in this decision. While I grant that many players have expressed an interest in earlier versions of RS, one should repair existing content prior to taking on additional endeavours.
Initially, resources will be reallocated to the RS August 07 implementation. This will mean existing issues in RS "Main" will continue to go unresolved--in the "short" term. While there must be a clear economic incentive for this marketing decision, logic would dictate that you fix what you already have going prior to taking on an additional project.
Multiple versions of RS, which are riddled with issues, is not greater than one version of RS with few to no issues.
This is a decision (the poll and subsequent results of said poll) based on economics and marketing, and has no relation to proper quality assurance.
Jagex and their "partners" are a business. They need to make money. This is logical.
The manic, almost ADHD, nature of many recent decisions is not logical, causes product quality to suffer, and makes consumers question the viability of the enterprise. If this has not already been made clear then let me state, pro bono, that your consumer image is rank with instability. All actions taken in recent memory are all rife with "reactionary" foundations. The RS 2007 stich is no different.
Fix what you have in place first then "expand" to reacquire market share from your competitors.
Quality over quanity.
14-Feb-2013 00:31:57