I think I'll vote for this just so we can get enough people for it to run. These guys want pre-eoc back? Let 'em have it. $15 extra a month sounds like a good price. And if they want it back so badly then I definitely agree they should start from the begining again. Set them all on equal ground. Way that there are to raise skills now didn't exist back then so you shouldn't have the benefit of all the ways you got your skills up now. (Ex. Runecrafting via the Runespan. Runecrafting took over a year -of moderate playing -to 99 before).
If you guys don't want to take what's being offered then stop your whining and move on. I'm not normally someone who likes to be rude, but some of you are just so ungrateful that they're even considering listening to your wants. Compromise.
13-Feb-2013 21:57:52