I don't understand why some of you want to vote no, if you don't want to play it, then don't. It's not going to affect the normal game in any way. Also, stop complaining about it being 2007 and not another year, they explained in the post that all they had was a backup of 2007, nothing else.
As much as I'd like to play the older version every once in a while, I'm not willing to pay 15$ more for it. If it's free, I could play it.
I'm going to vote yes, mostly for the other people too. I still enjoy the current game a lot. Not that my vote will count anyways, this will be like ft & wilderness all over again.
I'm pretty cool
Please DON'T make this VOTE MEMBERS ONLY!!!! Most of players that want this game quit years ago and they don't want to spend money on this game anymore!!!!! Most of people who still pay for membership are EoC lovers.
uhm olso i liked older versions of the game but i think this wil turn out nothing..
They bring it back but they already damaged what it whas they can never restore what they have destroyed . ofcourse u guys are happy but what bout the items skils i trained for **** i gues. i support 2007 but dont think that makes good what got damaged so far.
There is no way that we will get 750k Votes, so i don't understand why that is there.
Why to look the statics of registered members and then believe all of 'em will come to vote? Many people has quitted just because they have grown up and doesn't play games in general.
This sounds extremely good news, but seriously? Almost 7€ for voting and then at max. 15€ for playing it with memb is way too high for me.
I don't want the 2007 Runescape, i just want Runescape before the EoC..
The improvements you have made over the years have improved the game, but not the EoC, in my opinion.