I was excited when I first saw this, but then my cheers of joy were diminished to nothing. First off, most people here who know about this don't even know what RS was like back in 2007. We're not used to it. I'm one of those people (I started in late 08). I'm used to having the GE, GWD, etc.
I am against EOC though. What I want is to bring RS back to what it was the day before they announced EOC.
But what Jagex is doing is quite intelligent. They know there's not enough people to get passed the 500k mark. We'll be lucky to even hit the 250k mark. So that means that they'll be making almost twice as much from people playing on the older servers than people playing on the EOC servers. Since we know how many bots there are, and how much money they get from bots, the older servers will be outnumbered easily 4 to 1, meaning that Jagex will still be making more money from the EOC servers.
Lastly, the only reason most people who want 2007scape back is because that's when they were new. That's when they were learning everything for the first time. Think about it, when was the most fun you've ever had on RS? Always in the beginning and any major accomplishment. My personal favorites were first few months of membership and the first time I got a GWD drop.
Honestly, 2007scape is the worst possible time to bring it out at.
13-Feb-2013 21:47:34