Since I feel the need to repost this:
About the membership requirement:
Let's put in simply:
No matter what, they need funding if they were to make something this stupid.
50k accounts = $5- *7 per vote = $250,000 - $350,000 to put towards new staff and servers, but $15 for additional upkeep. If all 50k do subscribe at this level, that's about *1,000,000 that they can put towards the game and people's salaries.
250k accounts = $5- *7 per vote = ~ *1,500,000 to put towards new staff and servers, with only $5 for additional upkeep. If all 50k to subscribe at that level, it's additional ~1,250,000 for them which means cheaper costs to play, and more attention to the servers. This totals ~ 2,750,000
500k accounts = $5- *7 per vote = $2,500,000-$3,500,000 to put towards new staff and servers, with no cost at all to the player.
750k accounts = $5- *7 per vote = $3,750,000-$5,250,000 to put towards new staff and servers with no cost to the player.
So the more money they get from initial interest, the more they can invest into getting the servers running in the first place. Additional costs afterwards are for upkeep.
It makes sense in you spend maybe a minute thinking about it.
@Fannygirdle on Twitter | Co-Owner of The Scrying Pool, a future updates and lore clan
13-Feb-2013 21:45:27