
Old School RuneScape Anyone?

Quick find code: 294-295-158-64458191



Posts: 3,557 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
One problem players may have is that they do not want to become members to vote If the server will not be out for a few months. I suggest that you allow players to pay now but allow them to reserve there membership for the 2007 server.

13-Feb-2013 21:23:08

Petal 7
Sep Member 2018

Petal 7

Posts: 411 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Interested? Definitely. I would not be prepared to pay more than I currently do, after all that is a level of monetary commitment I am comfortable with for now, but I admit I preferred older versions of RS, before everything seemed to revolve around combat and forced community spirit and working together. I preferred the times when people volunteered to work together because it was fun - not because you got higher or better or easier rewards for it. I preferred the times when a high skill level actually meant you worked on your skills, not that you spend enough money or time on things completely unrelated to a particular skill. Yes, some updates were nice (like RC was a v hard skill to level in the past), but to be honest, even the grinding and working 'hard' skills was worth it as everyone had to do the same to get a good level and feel that achievement. So even if I have to start from scratch ... that is what I would have to do with any 'new account' I would make anyway (and with a maxed account that was a tempting idea for a while), only now it is way too easy to level and I don't like it.

People seemed to be friendly and helpful and even those 'annoying pkers' had their place - some where even nice outside of the wilderness if you can believe that***** gave people the option to play the way they liked it then - now I feel there is only one way to play 'effectively' and it is not my way at all.

To those that worry about money, time and resources being taken away from 'their' game ... what about those people who would happily pay for the old version but begrudge paying for the new version? What would you say if 'their money' was taken out of the new game to pay for the old game? I don't want that to happen, despite the fact that I am not a keen player on the new game any longer, but I think you have to see both sides of the argument.

I hope the votes keep coming in to get this idea going. Those that like it will play it, those that don't won't.

13-Feb-2013 21:23:21

Tiny T-Rex

Tiny T-Rex

Posts: 169 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
at first i thought this was great i saw vids on youtube then this youtuber brought this little part to light.... " YOU NEED TO BE A MEMBER TO VOTE" first of all there are currently 80k+- players online about 50-60k are members rest are free to play. with this info old server WILL COME BACK, thats great right??!! well not so much with an increase of 15$ to the current mem of around 10$ thats a 25$ mem fee for a server that gets no updates no staff. it sounds alot like a really ********* privet server. now if we want a good deal we need 250k votes thats 250k players with membership and you still need to pay 5 extra dollars which isnt so bad and im willing to do. but i really dont see 250k ppl getting membership just to vote. really jagex is selling a vote for 10$ ( like always jagex is a money *****) and if we want to get the 500k votes thats 500k people paying them 10& and HA 750K jagex dont try to hide what you are doing you say you are listining to you community, and want the polls to be fair and un bias. then make it so anyone can vore just like the wild and free trade polls. yea we got 1.4m votes bc ppl *id not have to pay 10$ just to vote. going back to mod mark post from a few weeks ago i already knew you guys were going to **** an update like this by making it deal with irl money. me personally i WILL NOT get membership again just to vote. i am a veteran ( this is not my first acc nly about 1 year old) and i quit for a reason i pvm and pvm pk and rs is dead and. i will vote for the 07 servers IF they are available for EVERYONE! jagex if you care about you community you will listen. this little poll is just a little money grabbing stunt (250k votes= 250k mems this month=2.5m usd) 700k votes thats like 7.5m usd to jagex fr an update that they could easly **** up just like they did to the original game. like i said i am willing to pay 15$ for membership with a good 07-09 server but not paying 10$ to vote.

13-Feb-2013 21:23:27



Posts: 1,208 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod MMG please take my post into account. I've played for 9 years and I understand you're trying to be beneficial for your company and for the players. You haven't understood completely what us players want. e pluribus unum. As one majority we would like things and aspects to be taken out. We don't want all the updates, quests and aspects removed from the game for 6 years almost. That's not enough for us to want. We want the following things:

-Polls, Each poll to an update that occurred from 2007-present. For example if there has been 450 updates from 2007 to now, there is 450 individual polls on a long list, these polls titled, "Do you want this update to be abolished?" And the 2 options, "Keep" or "Abolish".
-We do not want the old 2007 graphics, We like the current ones and are content, i've never heard anyone ever say they prefer the 2007 graphics to now, and if there are some, very very few.
-No micro-transactions. Ever. For any reason other than membership. No Squeal, No Solomans. We didn't like it when it started, our opinions never changed.

You need to amend this game with a thick structure, highlighting only the upmost majority voted updates from 2007-present. We would get our chance to pick out the updates we want erased. For example, i'm not a big fan of faster xp rates. I'd say take those out, runespan, ivy, but keep bonfires. I'd get to VOTE on those, key and essential for a democracy.

I dislike the way you're handling yourselves right now Jagex, your staff is tyrannical. It's never a direct democracy with you, the F2P players will never get our voice. I'm not going to pay you to vote on my favorite game I have played for 9 long years. I've payed you for 8 years, but when you took my childhood treasure away, you also stopped receiving payments from me. In my opinion, I see this as a scam, how you're making money from Gower's game in 2007 right before Gerhard messed it up in '09. Liven up, you need to listen to everyone and respect our equal rights.

13-Feb-2013 21:23:35

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