An other Jagex poll.. and an other flawed idea..
This WILL split the community, what ever 'hopes' MMG has are as pointless as JAgex absolute belief that bringing back wildy and free trade would not bring back masses of bots. I my clan of 300 people there is a part that really does not like EOC , but they play anyway, because there is no other choice, slowely most of these learn to apreciate it. Knowing Jagex is going to offer an alternative wil rob these people of the motivation to actually put the effort in the REAL game.
Of course this is a smart idea.. in the short term, financially.. since all the whiney hineys that quit will now at least get 1 months of members to vote.. and then a few to play the 2007 game, after which they will all be bored again and quit ...again..
Along with these a lot of others will quit who did not learn to appreciate post-EOC runescape, because of this sad idea.
13-Feb-2013 21:16:41