I support this. Though I don't want to admit it, I've checked the updates on Rs' home page nearly daily, waiting to see them revoke the EoC. Sadly, they chose to do this instead, but this is still much further a step in listening to the community than they have taken previously.
But as always, there's a catch. Only CURRENT members can vote.
I've played runescape with many friends for over 5 years, and I've purchased multiple friends memberships solely for the entertainment and fun this game provided. However, I'm afraid that purchasing a membership now would literally only serve in my being able to cast a vote**
**;DR - I see why you made the vote members-only, but possibly accounts that have had X amount of months of membership in the past would have been a better way to go, rather than making a poll you pay for.
13-Feb-2013 20:56:52