Dear Complainers,
Your opinion in this is not required, nor wanted; this update will not impact on your gameplay experience in the slightest other-than bringing players back to the game.
If you do not like this update, that is fine, but don't spam this thread with your thoughts.
Having looked through a large proportion of the comments, it is clear that only the newer players are whining about this, despite the fact that they never experienced Runescape in its prime.
Personally, I played Runescape from '06-10 and am thoroughly excited about this update, it's what the community has been wanting for a long time, and was only able to feel through private servers. Even then it wasn't entirely complete and was missing a lot of in-game content, such as quests.
I'm glad that Jagex are finally listening to the community, but I fear that the majority of older players no longer pay attention to Runescape, or its updates and so won't hear about this.
Let's just hope that this project gets the attention and support that it deserves and needs.
13-Feb-2013 19:49:00