So, you are going to give in to the people that cling to nostalgia I see.
I don't enjoy EoC, but I very much miss being a child and playing this game in 2007.
But, the game as it was in 2012, was PERFECT, right before you added the armor change. You need to release a PRE-EOC server, as in 2012, or at least before the armor update.
Half of the people who ask for 06/07 didn't even play back then, and I really don't want to have to walk from Lumbridge to Ardougne. Please, realize what you're doing, these people don't realize how bored they will get with a 2007 based server, they are far too used to being able to use their lodestones, or their GE.
The GE didn't ruin the game, it made it FAR easier to purchase items, listen to reason, know what you're doing.
13-Feb-2013 17:28:55