The bottom line is, this is going to be a complete waste of time unless there's a boost in XP and a very low amount of quests required to do basic things on the server.
People miss PKing and they miss the nostalgia of 2007. People don't miss doing quests or spending months on end training their skills to be able to go PKing efficiently. I'm not saying make it easy so every one is 126, but definitely increase the XP.
The majority of people that miss old Runescape are in their late teens or early twenties by now. They have jobs, college and even families to attend to. They simply don't have time to re-max everything that is needed to go Pking, regardless of how much interest they do have in the actual PKing itself.
That's my two *****, I'm sure some will agree as it's common sense.
13-Feb-2013 18:59:04