to a point it would be nice to have ftp servers- but i say no there are to many bots microers, scammers and gamblers already. and ftp servers would just really destory what little bit is left of 07 servers. if people could have just bought membership for 07 servers that did not effect eoc crappy content they would have hit definately over 1 mil votes yes.i bet there is alot of people who are like me. and will never contribute a penny torwards eoc content ever. ohh wait there is only one way i would. put a pole aka servey aka vote to destroy eoc, sof, solomons store, and hp update. add full agressive randoms in the game and people would join just to say kill it. i bet double what voted for 07 servers.. just do a vote and say it will be reversed if you get 1 mil votes to reverse it. if you dont get 1 mil then leave eoc . only 1 way to find out, i DARE you to try it.
04-Mar-2013 05:55:09