EoC was a failure of massive proportions. Firs* JAgex takes away free trade/old wildy then brings it back now take away the unique combat system they had and bring it back, i'm done with this endless cycle of mediocrity.
Not sure when I started playing but it was well before 2007, really happy to see this. The enjoyment I got from this game back in middle school and high school was unprecedented(Probably not the right word) and couldn't be matched by any other MMORPG. Love the idea of a fresh start. Back to grinding at the Willow trees in Lumby!
Hey all members, please contribute to making runescape a better community by voting for the 2007 server. If you vote for this server you will not only help the people who want the new server but yourselves as well. This will bring more players back to the runescape community and will also boost profits for jagex which will be reflected by better updates and patches. Please contribute and take a few seconds of your time to vote for the 2007 server so that players like me who haven't played actively for years can once again enjoy runescape. Voting for the 2007 server does in no way hurt the eoc server and in fact will probably help it. Thank you for taking the time to read this and enjoy the game =)
buying sand cape token! Please let me know if you have one for sale. Thanks <3
I'm not a member and just logged in to RS for the first time in nearly a year. I don't like EoC and if there's no option for f2p to have a pre EoC game, 2007 or otherwise me and many others will simply not play anymore.