First case:
We have a players who seems to believe that they will in some way be forced to play oldschool RS if they vote for it.
Second case:
We have past players who want to play oldschool RS, but seem to think that they will be forced to play EoC RS if they pay a membership fee so they can vote for oldschool RS.
Third case:
And we have players who want to use the downloadable client to play oldschool RS, and haven't been informed that the standard downloadable client only needs a few tweaks to make it work for playing oldschool RS.
In the first case I believe that nobody is going to force you to play oldschool RS, even if you do vote for it, but you will have the choice if you do change your mind, even if you don't change your mind about voting for it.
In the second case, players who only want to play oldschool RS will not be forced to play EoC RS, even if they pay a membership so they can vote for oldschool RS, but if they do change their minds about playing EoC RS the choice will be there.
For those in the third case, there is a Wiki page on how to tweak the regular downloadable client to work for oldschool RS, and JMod Philip started a thread (Quick find code: 317-318-465-64296343) for it, and has the link to the W**i page in his first post. If you do decide to tweak the client to work for oldschool RS there is a file that needs editing, please don't copy and paste the changes in, type them in by hand, trust me on this, i had to fix my oldschool RS client because of this issue.
27-Feb-2013 05:22:39