thank you verry much the air has clearen and my lungs can breath with exitement awesome altough i am a 2008 member i wana try the 2007 one because i have a lost acc created in 2005 i forgot the username and ******** lol ty again jagex
Hey everyone im on the oldschool atm i need help with the 'Shield Of Arrav' Quest I Did My part now i need someone to do the other part i did the black arm gang part please reply. Thank You, RackemWille1
ya cause people like me had active accopunts when eoc emplimented, then the day it activated i quit logging in, i will not play or pay any money on or torwrds eoc content at all. so i will never vote for 2007 servers. but if i could log into 07 servers pay and play as long as eoc content does not get effected.
I voted, and to my disappointment the thing i was looking forward to the most got pushed back for absolutely no reason cept the 07 servers....therefore until the quest comes out i will not be in the 07 servers. See everyone when tww is done
hey man i play the server been playing it is so uncool that there are people with herblore level so high and no combat skill that is impossible they are transferring EOC money over and just buying herbs thats freaking unfair in my opinion and i wanted to be first to 99 herblore LEGIT
I was a paying member from about 2008 until the "Evolution of Combat" update. To me, that wasn't really an update, it seemed like an absolute recreation of this game down to its core. I've played since 2006 and honestly i could have never guessed that the game could have changed so drastically and very quickly from 2010-2013. From one update to another the game, in my opinion (and many others), was getting exponentially worse. I could live with the graphical updates and new items being created. I actually loved that those things happened. But completely altering the way combat is after over 10 years? I think that's got to be the largest mistake I've ever seen by any company. That was really the last straw with me, and i don't remember there being a poll for the EOC, ever. Honestly, I would still be a paying member if the EOC didn't take place.
The release of the 2007 version of Runescape is absolutely phenomenal! It's an amazing thing to do for the players that enjoyed the unaltered Runescape while it lasted. I've even seen really old friends from years ago join and get memberships again because of the reemergence of the old Rs. It is a great idea indeed. But not allowing nonmembers to play it..? The only reason I (and many other players) am a nonmember is because of how quickly the game demolished by new ideas. I can imagine cancelled subscriptions were record high when the EOC occurred. Sure some things need to change and change is always good, but not all of that in just in 2 or 3 years. You say only members can vote because they invest in the upkeep of the servers... Just think about the nonmembers that used to be members. They too assisted by paying monthly/yearly. They should be able to vote just as well as any other existing member. There's probably a good reason that they're not a member anymore. Most likely because of what happened on November 20th, 2012. What bad could come from letting nonmembers have some 2007 servers? Really. Just think about it.