I am very disappointed on the decision taken by Jagex of only allowing members to vote, 2 million people visited the vote page(mostly F2P) I am a veteran RuneScape player and I have bough at least a total of 4 years of membership.
I think Im talking in name of all runescape F2P veteran players that where once members when I say you guys should open a few F2P servers on 2007scape, or atleast let F2P vote, so they can give their support and get atleast the 1 month trial so we wouldn't miss the great experience of 2007 servers coming back.
My opinion for something fair enough for both sideds Jagex and RsPlayers would be for you guys to share both membership of Runescape and 2007scape, what I mean is, if I buy a 1 month membership for Runescape, count it aswell for 2007scape. You must be thinking "If we make that, we wouldn't get any earnings by making 2007scape!". But you were willing to make it free if we hitted the 500k votes right ?
But no, because you already knew that was some kind of motivation, you knew we where never going to hit that ammount of votes, and you already knew that from thos 2 million visitors on the voting page, atleast 1.5 million where F2P players, so please stop saying how disappointed you are on the fact that 2 million people visited the page and only 10% voted. Only 10% of the visitors voted because thats the way you wanted it.
I am very heartbroken for the fact I am going to miss this very exciting experience after lots of years of membership and gameplay, I ask you Mods to please consider my post. And for those veteran players who feel the same way like me, feel free to reply your opinion on my comment.
21-Feb-2013 20:10:47