... although I'm much older and have a totally different life today, I think I'm still able to make some extra time for RS. I've played in two different periods, first 2003-2005 and started all over in 2006-2009, I've been member also in recent years before EOC but not so active as in past.
1. Fresh start is good for the game, i don't expect a steady economy right away but the thought of starting all over gives me a fun feeling, lately i've found myself thinking a lot of RS again (even at work and univ.), analyzing what i would do differently this time and which skills would be priority. It's not the will to get a 99 stat first or getting as rich as possible, it's just the feeling to build this world up again, every item we gain from clues or drops is unique.
2. I'm willing to pay more than normal membership price, tho as i do so, i expect atleast some kind anti-bot system, no to mention the fact that higher price most likely keeps the new era players and bots away. If we get 250k votes, I'd be happy.
3. About the rares. There should be a random event for all, so everyone would have a chance to gain one, this goes for decorative rares (I sure hope you won't create new ones, just the old ones). You must have obviously some clue how many rares were still actively in game back at 2007. As the variety is quite big, every player should be able to pick one tradeble decorative rare, one not tradeble decorative (bunny ears or scythe). I don't have a slight idea about the pumpkin, egg, disc and half-wine... discs and half-wines were/are basically errors in the game (rsc to rs2) but i guess you could come up with a fun way to obtain eatable rares as well.
18-Feb-2013 23:33:57