
Old School RuneScape Anyone?

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Posts: 1,187 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Am I the only one who has a problem with paying $15 for a server that will most likely be full of bots?
I'd love to play RS07, but $15 is a little steep for a server full of bots.
We've already got 153k votes, but that's slowing down a lot.
I'd hope we could at least hit 250k, because $5 is fine for old runescape, but I don't even see 250k hitting.

For anyone who says "But 153k already and 2 weeks to go!" You forget that the majority of the players have already voted. So it's going to be a very very slow process . I'd be shocked if we even hit 200k.
I doubt Jagex was honest about the amount of members this game has, because no one in their right mind would not vote for a separate server if they cared at all for runescape.

It doesn't affect them negatively. So they might as well vote.
Runescape 07 will bring in more revenue to Jagex and help the main game.
The communities won't be divided. We'll all have a linked chat feature and the players of RS07 will have to be Main rs members. Therefore they will most likely see more player activity on the main game for when others are taking a break from RS07.

The only thing I can see wrong is someone being bitter that they can't afford to pay for RS07, but it would be much cheaper if they actually voted for the game. Even if they never played in the day. They'll get the chance to experience the game.

But anyway. My initial reason for posting is.. Doesn't $15 feel a little too steep? I doubt we've got anywhere near as many active members as Jagex claims to vote.
It's been set up to give us RS07, but to cause it to be expensive and have 0 support or time needed to be put into it.
Why should we pay $15 for a lesser service? If I'm paying $15 I'd expect support and bot control.

18-Feb-2013 07:03:29 - Last edited on 18-Feb-2013 07:03:57 by Pwnagehahaha

L0rd Kefka
Oct Member 2023

L0rd Kefka

Posts: 169 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Locutus Mors

your argument has little backing it if all you are complaining about is how you cant vote in opposition directly. Not voting is just as good as a no vote because of you need to be a member to vote. With the wildy return vote you didn't need to be a member and Jagex knew that people would vote for its return in troves which is why they added the no option because it didn't matter. Of course, with the wildy return jagex was going to bring it back anyways they just wanted us to think we had a part in it. with these servers they wanted to prove points regarding arguments against and for EoC. If we only made the 50k mark it would show that we really didn't want 2007scape back thus we would pay the price (literally). 250k means a great deal of us did want it back but not the numbers we argued would want it too return, but we are penalized less. 500k is the infamous number of players that signed up on a private server which influenced this whole vote greatly. Thinking that 500k people would sign up for a private server Jagex assumed it wouldn't be that much of a stretch for the real deal. 750k would be everybody who currently plays and most of the people who played in the past to return and vote. This was thought to be the stretching point in Jagex's eyes but it's clear to see that regaining membership to vote for this is detouring a good amount of people. That private server didn't require everybody to make a payment to play, but payments made the fine tuning to come faster

18-Feb-2013 07:10:40



Posts: 1,187 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't understand the fact that it's not a free vote.
The members thing is obviously only a way to grab more money.
Which is a very bad way of doing things.
You give free players a chance to vote. Limit it by IP or something.
They'll vote for RS07 in mass and in return once it returns they will all subscribe to play it.
Does jagex really assume someone is going to pay a membership fee just to vote for the game and have to wait for the RS07 servers? No. They'll spend their money elsewhere then when they can get on the RS07 servers they'll pay for it.

Jagex thinks by giving them a free month they'll spend their money and vote, but that's not how it works at all. People aren't like that. They won't spend money on something if they aren't receiving it already. They're impatient for the most part.

18-Feb-2013 07:17:37



Posts: 1,187 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For anyone wanting to vote "no" or not voting at all.
I look at you in disgust, because all you really are is a troll.
That or you lack the ability to think.

Rs07 hurts Runescape in absolutely no way. What it does do is strengthen Runescape. True there won't be as many people working on RSEOC, but there WILL be more money coming into Jagex. If Jagex doesn't earn money they won't be able to afford to keep Runescape around and updates will be lacking.

Stop being spiteful and press yes.
It doesn't matter if you like the EOC or not. This is a change that will help the runescape player base and Jagex as a whole.
New and Old.

Stop whining about communities being split.
Stop crying that EOC is better.
No one cares.
You still get what you want.
You'll still receive updates.
And you'll still be able to play your game.
But if Jagex declines in sales.
Do you know what will happen?
Jagex studios will fall.

You believe that having the price at $15 will be beneficial? I Highly doubt it.
I believe more players will come in and pay the standard membership to play RS07 than those paying $15 extra.
Meaning that a free route for RS07 makes A LOT more sense.

100 people paying $25 each month.
VS 300 people paying $10 each month.

18-Feb-2013 07:22:24

Faeryl NMuth
Aug Member 2008

Faeryl NMuth

Posts: 249 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't understand all you crybabies over the no free vote thing. It's quite clearly stated. The paying members are the ones who support the game, and are going to continue to support it. All who quit, and don't think it's worth it to re-up to vote for what they want, aren't that interested, and nor should the company be that interested in you. Frankly, they need to leave this forum only to the members. Either quit crying and vote, or quit crying and don't. Just quit your crying. Mummy doesn't work here.

18-Feb-2013 07:22:44



Posts: 1,187 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There's also the fact that Rs07 with a $15 cost will most likely fail. Seeing as how at the $15 cost and with 0 support and bots running rampant. Who would want to pay that?
So let's reduce that from 1/3 to about 1/5 if even that.

18-Feb-2013 07:25:07



Posts: 1,187 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Faeryl Nmuth.

Did you completely disregard what I posted?
And as for others who aren't members or have "quit" ?

I've supported this game for 7 years. Paying multiple memberships every month.
Tell me more about how MY opinion and MY Vote doesn't count.
Yes, I'll pay for Runescape and I'd even pay $15 extra for Runescape 07, but I will probably NOT pay $15 extra and have no support with a game overran by bots that have already driven me from the main game.

It says here you've been a member since August 2008.
I've been a member for 7 years. Excluding a few breaks the past few months. Playing on and off.

Tell me more about how I shouldn't have an opinion and how I should have no say in the voting.
Most people who are allowed to vote haven't even seen nor tried Runescape 2007, but the people who "don't support" the game have and understand how great it is.
How great it was when they DID support the game. When they did give Jagex money from their pockets every month.

Tell me more about how we don't support so we shouldn't have say over the Runescape that WE played and YOU didn't.

18-Feb-2013 07:29:48

Faeryl NMuth
Aug Member 2008

Faeryl NMuth

Posts: 249 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Pwnagehahaha: Well said.

Others: 750k opens the free-to-play server. It doesn't take that many votes to get it where you are paying 1 membership fee for access to both servers. You can then play whichever you want. And it doesn't take that many to stop the $15 extra per month that people keep crying about. READ THE ORIGINAL POST. ALL OF IT.

Edit. Your post wasn't up when I posted, Pwnage.
I also started well before I became a paying member. So if you're a member again, great. If you signed up just to cast your vote, great. You aren't crying about it, either.

18-Feb-2013 07:37:50 - Last edited on 18-Feb-2013 07:41:35 by Faeryl NMuth

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