Here's a guideline of the required votes needed to reach the optimal goal of 750,000 votes.
This is for EST Time Zones, I'm from New York if that helps.
GMT add +5 hours to this.
February 15, There will need to be 53,572 votes by 7PM.
February 16, There will need to be 107,143 votes by 7PM.
February 17, There will need to be 160,715 votes by 7PM.
February 18, There will need to be 214,286 votes by 7PM.
February 19, There will need to be 267,858 votes by 7PM.
February 20, There will need to be 321,429 votes by 7PM.
February 21, There will need to be 375,000 votes by 7PM.
February 22, There will need to be 428,572 votes by 7PM.
February 23, There will need to be 482,143 votes by 7PM.
February 24, There will need to be 535,715 votes by 7PM.
February 25, There will need to be 589,286 votes by 7PM.
February 26, There will need to be 642,858 votes by 7PM.
February 27, There will need to be 696,429 votes by 7PM.
February 28, There will need to be 750,000 votes by 7PM.
This means we need 2,233 Votes per hour.
This means we need 38 Votes per minute.
This means we need 0.62 Votes per second.
We are currently at 85,191 with 1 hour remaining on the first day.
We have reached 164% of the needed votes for the current moment.
We have reached 159% of the needed votes for today!
So we are doing great keep voting everyone!
I'll keep reposting this every so often to keep data about the current statistics.
15-Feb-2013 23:02:15