Foraiel, I think they should have separated the 2 games when they FIRST had the chance to do so. They chose not to. It was a choice, only they could make.
IMO, and rest assured it IS only my opinion, they've made astronomically stupid business decisions for YEARS... but they stayed "above water"... and did so ONLY because of the love of this once great game.
THIS game (no not the eoc version), has stood the test of time and kept this company afloat... but it can't, much longer.
It can't, because they've finally ripped the heart out of our game.. for the majority.
In past years, when it's just been a few hundred here or there.. the rest remained and held on tight to their love of the game.. and jagex was able to continue moving (debating whether that movement was "forward" is for another time).
I warned 2 years ago that the time would come that jagex would take "everything" that made this game what it was. That each and every person who simply labeled me as a "whiner", would come upon their own "day".. the day when jagex would do the very same thing to them.
There is no satisfaction in being "right".. and I certainly didn't believe they would "get" so many people in one fell swoop. But, they did.
We can't make jagex's decisions for them.. not even when we can see the train wreck comin'.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.
15-Feb-2013 18:50:47