Jagex, what I highly suggest you do to please a VERY LARGE amount of players and to improve your overall long term profitability, you have two options:
-Create pre-EoC servers as they were on 19 November 2012, so the large pool of players who despise the EoC can pick up where they left off, allow them to keep all their stats and items. You carried their stats into the EoC, there's no reason you can't let them port them over to pre-EoC servers; Don't even try to say it's not possible.
-Completely remove the EoC. Initially, this might upset the small amount of players who claim they enjoy the EoC. I believe in the long term this will get rid of the community split, increase membership subscriptions, and possibly erase a lot of resentment towards your company that is obviously present right now. You can't always please everyone, but by allowing the EoC to be live for so long despite so much negative feedback, you're not even trying. Do the right thing, the longer you wait the worse of a negative impact it will have.
You always ask for constructive feedback, well, here it is. Directly from a maxed RuneScape vet and avid gamer.
14-Feb-2013 05:20:23