In come the "omgz 06scape, 07scape ftw" comments... it will be popular for a month but then it will become exactly what RSC became... almost non-existent because of the too few players.
I'm sure all if not most of you have been begging for this chance since eoc came into the game. I really hope you guys don't let 7 dollars stand in your way now and besides.. Mod mmg said those who vote will get the first membership on the 2007 servers for free so think of it as buying membership early. Everybody needs to come together and vote. Don't think your 1 vote won't make a diffierence. Every vote is 1 step closer and 500k+ is what we really need to aim for at the least because it's a free service at that point (with main runescape membership) EVERYONE REPASTE THIS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jagex hid the poll cause they do not want to put an older server back up.Typical of Jagex to not make a backup when they first decided(by themselves) to put in EOC.A poll for all members( at least) should have been available not just the people that went to the beta.Most of their other polls are rigged in a way to get what they want, not what we the paying customer base wants.