JaGeX and JaGeXmoderators,
I'm glad you guys are listening to the community by releasing an older aspect of the game we all love. But however I don't feel so positive about this, and I feel like my choice is taken away. Many players asked you for an older version of the game because they miss the old hitbars, old armour looks, old combat system, ... But going back to 2007 is going back way to far in time. Everyone I know, including myself, likes a 2007-server but preferes a pre-EoC server. Many people want a 2010-2011 version of the game with the current statisitics they have now but with a complete economy reset.
There is to much money ingame causing to dupes which results in a problem with prices. The drops of bosses aren't profitable anymore and there is way to much money ingame. When we still had random drops in wildy when killing someone a lot of items (bandos, claws, ags, ...) Dissapeared. And that was a good thing. Prices were stable because the ammount of an item ingame didn't drop/rose. My point is that I miss the old runescape like it was in 2010, not in 2007. A game needs some graphics and some work. You should make a poll with asking what year of runescape most people want back. The majority wouldn't ask for a 2007 version, only the youtubers. But don't forget that those people of 2007 are now 20 years or older and they wont be playing this game as much as they did back then. So I'm asking you to give us a chance to choose what older version we like most. So basically i'm asking for a 2010 version with the current statistics and with a complete eco-reset. Please listen to this and make a poll about this. And I know howmuch work you guys already invested in finding a 2007 server and I do respect that. I wish I had a million dollars to invest in you guys for a 2010 version. The game was lots of fun back then in 2010. I can't do more than make a reply to you guys and hope you do the right thing. The 2007-server will cause longterm problems, I'm sure.
15-Feb-2013 10:52:22