If anyone happens to read this, I would prefer to start with my current stats minus summoning/dung and no bank , than to start fresh fresh. But I'll be glad either way.
right!!... just remove eoc completly even jagex knows its a terrible update with terrible player base and half are bots due to eoc..... bring back old rs as not a seperate server lol replace eoc with old rs with update as you guys always did and everything should be normal... hope theres godwars at least !!
An update to change RuneScape "completely" would most likely be in RS3, and not in a RS 2007 server, because it defeats the purpose of "2007" being in the name lol!
Square-Tile Tesselation could potentially be an aspect of RS3.
Who knows? Perhaps Jagex are working on it, or maybe they're not.
If you can't be a pencil to write anyone's happiness, then try to be a nice eraser to remove someone's sadness.
Ah, Armadyllo, I didn't realise you were an expert on predicting the future, based on your knowledge of the opinions of other people you've never spoken to!
Ok so a quick question: Will random events be back such as the river troll? My memory doesn't serve to well even though I have been playing for 8 years on + off bearing in mind.
Also I am definitely excited about it's my only concern would be goldsellers and bots ruining it. Also starting from scratch? Does this mean no party hats?