"If you are located in the EU, provided you have not started to use the subscription services by logging into a member's only world, you may cancel your order within 7 working days of placing it, in which case we will refund your subscription payment in
"provided you have not started to use the subscription services by logging into a member's only world"
This is the important part. Just don't log into the member's world.
Source: Jagex.*** terms and conditions part 13b.
This is legitimate and will work perfectly fine. Happy voting - spread the message.
does anyone know what year they changed the dance emotion?
i liked the old one =p well i like them both but the old one is fun to do in real life
Looking for love in all the wrong places
You should not be able to transfer skill levels. The max xp/hour rate in 07 was A LOT lower than the current xp rate. This will cause a huge disadvantage for new 07 players.
Because people with i.e 85 slayer coming into a fresh game will be able too farm whips instantly, not too mention make easier money making it unfair too those a lower level who are forced too train slayer at a slower pace due too lack of in game equipment. I also would prefer the fresh start with an equal start as everyone else
Look even if you guys wont play it all the votes towards getting this server for the cheapest possible is greatly appreciated, this is the first time in YEARS that I've been excited for something jagex is planning. Please let us have our cake too.