@PvM xAxe
some questions:
what if this server more player online than EOC?
if EOC only have a few thousand people online, what you gonna do?
why don't you add the anti bot system from eoc to the new 2007 rs?
why don't you support the new 2007 rs? cuz most of us like old rs more than the EOC
why the level of vote so unfair?level 1 50k votes and jump to level 2 250k votes, why is the differents so big with them? and the changes of thing not even really big ?
-I highly doubt the server well get more people online then the live game.
-I'm sure jagex will keep running the EOC despite it's playerbase, they've made it clear they will never take the step back, sure they opened a previous version of the game, but they did state, they did not do 'just before eoc' because they are positive it is the right step forward.
-They said if they hit the right number of votes they'll add the current anti bot watch too the game
-Just like above, they said if we reach 750k votes, 2007 server will have it's own development team.
-50k would be more of a 'first base should hit it' goal, the rest are 'now the real challenge is how much are you ready too fight for these 2007 servers'. it also gives a better indicator of if it's worth jagexs money and time too invest into this project.
15-Feb-2013 09:58:47