Andrew should consider buying a few hundred thousand accounts, just to see his creation come back to life.
But, really, I'm not totally convinced Jagex are seriously considering this an option. For the game to survive, this game would need to be in the exact condition as it was back in the day. Free to play, cheap membership and anti-bot management are a HUGE part of this.
And the only way that we'd ever get such numbers is if jagex actually allowed the people who want the game to vote. If they did, I'm sure they'd get those numbers. Making it members exclusive seems to be more like a way to both deny a 2006 server and make money at the same time, which is a shame. If jagex and legitimately and earnestly considering an old server, this poll needs a serious reform, starting with making it open to old accounts. Either this, or making it open to all accounts there are or were at some point members.
This'd actually give the concept a fighting chance.
13-Feb-2013 18:31:55