I'll describe to you why players like the 2007 version of the game.
You had a sense of belonging. Everyone had a role, whether it be a fisher to gather supplies for the pkers, woodcutters for the fletchers, then onward to the archers etc etc. To achieve this sense of belonging, you had to meet these players FACE TO FACE! I know it's weird, actually trading someone when they're on your screen. There was no Grand Exchange, no easy way out. That is the point of a video game/MMO, a sense of difficulty. In current Runescape, there is none (for many players such as myself)
In 2007, the mentality was about the journey, not the destination. When looking back and looking at your first 99 skill or your first big achievement, do you think of the journey? Yes! The journey is what makes Runescape... Well... Runescape. If there is no journey in Runescape, it would just be Botscape (see RsEoC).
The game (and website itself) was more focused on functionability rather than visual candy. Good graphics do not make a game. Minecraft is one of the most popular games we have ever seen. Played by all ethnic groups and various types of people. The simplicity of the game, the good times on the game, that's what makes it fun. Graphics DO NOT make a game. No I do not play minecraft. Although I have tested it out.
I can go on and on, but I do not have the time. In this paragraph, I will list other reasons why I chose to quit in 2011. Korasi, New Prayers, Graphical Updates, Combat Updates, Chaotics, Dungeoneering, Ivy, Runespan, (I'll just make this category here for easy skilling methods in general), Torva/Pernix, Terrible Community (say what you want, this terrible community was made from the Grand Exchange and the lack of sociability within the game... Ya know, the point of MMO's!?!) Pointless updates, Squeal of Fortune, Runecoins, Soloman's Store (Every money making scheme that gives you an upper hand that doesn't include Members). I will cut it short here. I can only use 2000 letters.
15-Feb-2013 03:12:03