We can all agree that EOC failed in terms of producing "revenue", regardles of whether u like it or not. It produced no positive income and no 'new' playerbase, the only thing it has achieved is either a clear display of ignorance, or a great misunderstanding. I think most would agree that many wanted to improve the combat in terms of tweaks in balancing, not a total rework. Mage had SOA, range had zaryte, melee had chaotics. There was a balance but i think most wanted it applied specifically to the wilderness which is the home of many, and is more or less the point of the game.
You see the game revolves around PvP and PvM. Every skill has some sort of aspect relating to it. Why fish? to eventually get to rocktails. Who buys the rocktails? PvP and PvM'ers. Same applies to smithing for rune armour, crafting for range armour, runecrafting for mage ammo. Why train cooking? To trade food among other skillers? No it is bought by Pkers and PvM'ers. Just to continue on the tangent of skills being related to PvP and PvM. Slayer - for whips other weapon/armour drops. Thieving - mild profit but mostly for questing such as DT for ancients. Dungeoneering - chaotics for pking/pvm. Herblore - Pvm. Summoning - for Pking/PvM. Fletching - for ammo bought by range pkers/PvM'ers. The game simply revolves around PvP and PvM and it is not in Jagex's best interest to ignore them. Withought Pker's and Pvm'ers there is no ecomomy. Unless u want to make rune armour to sell to other skillers. Or fish rocktails, in hopes that some lvl 3 skiller will buy them. Or runecraft death, armadyl, and blood runes to sell to a Wc'er. The game is PvP and PvM.
15-Feb-2013 01:41:13