@Epic lepsy then don't read it.. this thread gets 2 pages every 30 secs.. and new people join.. whats the point of posting it one time over 800 pages ago? nobody will read it. I'm trying to get more votes here as what I posted will be one of the biggest problems. Sorry you don't care enough about the servers.
This is going to be horrible mainly because RSMAIN is still there with EOC and the new updates.
I'm sorry but JAGEX haven't you noticed the player decrease everytime you release an update? 2006 was the best year for you guys, use some god damn logic
Even if 07 comes back as another server you won't get the amount of players that played during 2007
I'm sure all if not most of you have been begging for this chance since eoc came into the game. I really hope you guys don't let 7 dollars stand in your way now and besides.. Mod mmg said those who vote will get the first membership on the 2007 servers for free so think of it as buying membership early. Everybody needs to come together and vote. Don't think your 1 vote won't make a diffierence. Every vote is 1 step closer and 500k+ is what we really need to aim for at the least because it's a free service at that point (with main runescape membership) EVERYONE REPASTE THIS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is incredible... I never thought this would happen, im SO happy that it might. I have been member off/on since 2004 with different accounts. 2006-2007 was the glory days. I Think EOC is terrible and I miss oldschool pure pking.
Best news I ever seen on RS
I hope you all vote yes for us that want this
I really like the idea... except for the *act that the accounts will get reset. Me an my friends have played runescape for so long and we used to think it was SOOOOO cool. It has kind of lost its amazingness though. If anything you should make the old graphics togglable (especially because of the dragon scimmy ;D ) and remove the actionbar. those are the only things I really care about. Really appreciate it if you guys could make those changes... It'd mean the runescape world to me