Any rare items should be introduced slowly, if at all.
No one knew when items were introduced the first time, that later they would be discontinued, thus becoming 'rare'. Same for rs07.
Some people saved items, some didn't. Just the nature of the beast.
Each time a head flew off, I saved (wood) ax handles; who knew that you'd steal them out of my bank when you discontinued them.
But you get the idea.
Oh, and anything introduced into RS07, should be different than RSeoc. If you introduce blue party hats, it would kinda be a dead giveaway.
So does that mean you have to put in new content? Nope. Don't introduce rares. If my memory serves, you had already been robbing our banks. If a new item was discontinued, you removed it from the servers. Starting fresh from Aug 2007, means no rares.
It would be nice to know what skills did exist back then. Oh wait, I have screenies from my beginning days, I'll go check the old computer hard drive.
14-Feb-2013 23:21:38