I'm really shocked to see this, but in a good manner. I have not been an active player since months before EOC, and I am overly thrilled to finally see Jagex asking for an opinion from players. I have been in and seen almost every update riot in World 66 Falador.
I spent most of my 07 days pking/luring with my friends, and it was just an awesome experience, although I did like pvp worlds the most, having that back would be just awesome. I'm a huge PKer, and I plan on making all of my accounts members just to vote in this, being about 4 or 5 accounts.
I was extremely dissatisfied with the fact that the game (in my opinion) was slowly ruined with Jagex ignoring all negative feedback given by the players when these ridiculous updates were implemented.
I plan on returning as an active player if and when this 2007 update occurs. I will happily resubscribe to this game as I'm sure many people like me will.
I really think this was a very beneficial thing for you guys to do. I bet you will see A LOT of ex loyal players to come back to the game, and be just as active as they were back in this time period.
14-Feb-2013 21:39:14