Rares don't ruin the eco, they only make it better. Players are the ones who set the price. And having something hard to get ingame only gives more motivation to play and work hard for something rare.
Im the owner of a clan on rs, I'm being asked by many what will happen to our clan as the result of this? Does this mean those who play on 07 servers will have to leave our clan or another clan needs to be made for all those clannies who leave for 07 servers? When you say server, its not like Beta? where they could log back into our worlds? Will it be two totally different RS? Could you possibly post the details of 07 servers and what to expect before the official voting happens? Thanks!
This is a fantastic idea! However, I will not be renewing my membership just to take part in a poll. I most likely will also not renew my membership AND PAY EXTRA if this poll does not get enough votes to make the 2007 servers at no additional charge. Other than that, I really, really hope this passes the 500,000 vote mark!
I definitely will vote yes! It'll be fun playing back in 2007 again.
I just really hope that if the 2007 servers do come back, they won't die in a few months, and there will be plenty of players for a long long time. If that happens, this could turn out to be amazing!
By the way, seems many people want to start from level 3 and many want to transfer their stats. I don't know which i want, there are ups and downs for both. Is there going to be a poll on this? And maybe several polls on other things we want in the 2007 servers? Or will there be just this one poll on bringing it back?