SOLUTION: Jagex says that they want members only to vote because members support the game - well, I supported the game with members for 6 years, on 3 different accounts. 5,95$ x 6 (3) years is enough support from my part. Just because I'm no longer a member and have quit the game because of some updates I did not agree with, I shouldn't be taken away the chance to vote. I understand that they're offering one month free, but I still believe they need to give *OLD* players the chance to voice their vote. Since, this is indeed, for the old players of runescape. They should allow EVERY person that was ONCE a member (because clearly the majority of people who quit the game are the ones that want these servers back) a chance to vote. Because if they're not members now, they once were. That solves the issue of their 'support'
14-Feb-2013 18:42:33