I'm going to ignore your faq for a moment and get straight to the point.
I don't want GE.
I don't want trade limits.
I don't want EoC ability bar.
I don't want SoF.
I don't mind Solomon, I just didn't like the way in which it was released.
I don't care if it's wildy or Bounty Hunter worlds, either way.
I don't care about rares, either way.
I don't care about resetting skills/banks, either way.
I do want RS-HD or pre-EoC not RS2007 for content. This includes graphics, quests, items, mini-games blah blah blah. I would rather live with the GE, and have that version of the game, than deal with going back to 2007. That said, I'd rather deal with 2007 then EoC.
People wanted 2006 and 2007 servers because of all the garbage that was implemented with the abolishment of free trade. You know what, I don't care what they think. I'm voicing my opinion here. I'd rather play with trade-limits in 2008 than play EoC OR 2006. And I voted to remove trade-limits!
I don't want a 2007 server, I want a pre-EoC server. If 2007 is all you'll offer, so be it. I'll take that over EoC. At least then I can have a game I will enjoy rather than the heap, that apparently many rude kids think is better.
But I said it: 2007Scape is a good alternative to EoC, but not what I wanted.
You'll see my vote for 2007. You'll see me on that server, exclusively. But know that I wanted RS-HD. I loved loved loved the "resizable window", FriendChats, Graphics updates, SoulWars!, Conquest. I loved many great updates your team put together. I just think you lost sight with EoC.
RuneScape is an interactive ChatRoom. Make it entertaining, don't make it just another mmo. The players and Jagex have both been taking this game too seriously, more and more. It should be fun and witty! I really miss the times when one of your developers could say, "hey, why don't we name the place Miscellaneous and et cetera... rather, Miscellania and etceteria! Puny, witty, I love it!".
... and I'm ranting again.
14-Feb-2013 18:02:34