Let's pick apart what MMG put in his updated post:
"To clear up any confusion on this matter I want to confirm that our Unique Active Player stats for the proceeding 14 Days from Monday the 11th Feb was actually 8,229,459!"
This statement may be entirely accurate, but for the purposes of this poll it's totally meaningless. For starters he doesn't define what 'Unique Active Player' encompasses. Is that -just- for Runescape, or all games? How about my website only logins in order to post here?
And the biggest...did he subtract the bot accounts that were created, detected, and removed?
The bottom line is they require membership in order to vote. Hiscores only shows those that have membership. You are not immediately removed from it when your membership is dropped, and a very large chunk is the free two week trail.
Others have done the analysis (thanks!). There are not but roughly 750-800k worth of actual members, tops. His entire statement is designed to justify the ridiculous number of votes.
And as far as I'm concerned, it's pretty damn sleezy.
14-Feb-2013 17:36:11