"100 Yellow Phat's - Store Price - 500m
100 Red Phat's - Store Price - 500m
100 Blue Phat's - Store Price -500m
100 White Phat's - Store Price - 500m
250 Santa Hat's - Store Price - 150m
250 Red Halloween Masks - Store Price - 150m
250 Green Halloween Masks - Store Price - 150m
250 Blue Halloween Masks - Store Price - 150m
Once player's earn enough GP to buy said Rare they want from the store, they can and the stock will drop and drop until there is none left to buy and once that happens these items will be classed as "Rare". And the price will start to rise above the starting price that was the store price.
So it'll be based on who works the hardest to obtain the money required to buy said Rare item and that's why I think it would be fair and give players a goal to work towards on the server."
Sounds like a decent idea but the prices are wayyy to high, your probably too used to current RS but that much gp will take years to be generated into the game. All gp has to be generated through alcing, selling stuff to the store**** drops, pest control and a few other methods. The prices should be lower or it will be 1-2 years before even the richest person could afford a phat.
Maxed Sept 24th, 2015 - 134th to max
14-Feb-2013 16:49:01