I am confused here and I am hoping by posting this I will either A) have a moment of clarity and figure this out myself, or B) someone will shine some light into the dark caverns of my brain. So here it goes...
We have people that HATE the current version of RS. Understandable I suppose to a point. I have been playing this game for over 10 years on and off and the changes that have happened, from then till now, have been huge. EOC, Grand Exchange, bla, bla, bla.
So Jagex releases old school and now people are mad because:
- The don't have the levels they built up
- They don't have rares
- They have no items
- Free players are not allowed
- 07 is stealing people from current so clans are folding
- There are delays in releasing quests/content in EOC version
- There is no downloadable version of 07
- 07 version will be dead because it is too much work
- EOC version will be dead because everyone is playing 07
- There are no updates that I liked from 07-current in the 07 version
- The herbs I planted died
- Jagex had to rig everything from votes to finding the 07 version to the last presidential election
Seriously people, do you ever stop freaking complaining? Is this game just filled with a bunch of whiners who can do nothing but ***** about things?
24-Feb-2013 13:37:44
- Last edited on
24-Feb-2013 13:39:22
00 Buck