Also, 6 out of the first 9 comments on this were completely against this update. What does that tell you?
I'm just a man; I'm not a hero.
Just a boy who had to sing this song.
Jagex can't hear us, they're too busy hearing the words, "Short term profit" and ignoring "Long term decline"
Max Quest Points. Max Cool Points. Host of the Immensely Popular Lords of the Wait.
You pay REAL LIFE MONEY for spins for in-game RARES now... and people thought SoF was as bad as Rwt'ing gets....
Honestly people said that the xp lamps were bad enough but now but 75 spins get about 10 masks and sell for couple 100M profit maybe even few bils later on? Easy was to get in-game cash if you ask me... Just plain Rwting...
jagex, one again you have disappointed me beyond belief. Buyable rares? What's next?
Every 10 year old that plays this game: "MOMMY!!! Hurrdurrr lemme go buy spins so I can BUY a rare and make millions!!! Herp derp"
06-Jun-2012 13:39:23
- Last edited on
06-Jun-2012 13:41:20
Go Blue