While I appreciate the attempted sentiment I feel like this avoids the bigger problem. Making an example of a few high leveled/ high profiled players is better than nothing, but most of us are aware this is just for show.
Gold farming bots have taken over any profitable monster, and I have seen them at bandos in small quantities, possibly for future bot testing, mithrils, brutals, grotworms (still). Honestly some guy cheating to get a max cape is the least of the player-base's concerns. We want to adequately play runescape, we don't want to cancel slayer task on the premise of infestation.
I know its hard to get this under-control, but most of us have waited patiently for years through failed nuke after nuke, and optimus, and botany bay... Go stand at the bank box in Buthrope and look at the amount of bots created every minute.
Lawsuits don't work, you've lost way more than you have won, nukes don't work, they adapt, you crashed the economy to devalue gold so the bots just work harder. Content is pointless if a real player cannot play it because of bots.
Throw us a bone, put in captacha technology, remove free trade, hire people to stand in-game at bot infestations and ban them that way, enable ban disputes so if you do mess up and it was a 'real' player it can be rectified. How long do we have to wait before we see a noticeable difference?
You want to bring your combat up to par with the big 6, bring your anti-bot qualities up as well. This is the most infested game I subscribe to by far.
05-Jan-2013 21:53:23
- Last edited on
05-Jan-2013 21:56:37
That Bear