i find lame how people say that change is welcome and then say that canons make sly task fast, then what changed?so now we have to use canons and titans rather than use the right set up, wich is the pt on most sly situations?now, what i dislike on eoc is that weps lose the multitype dmg, also, how u build up the 100 for momentum if u lose bar each time u stop attacking? and, was there a balance on cannon?like, let's say, reduce the dmg or speed?, taking dmg from anything that attacks it? i think that canon would be less anoying if at least it stayed attacking 1 target in single cb areas, rather than have pep with that cheap "i hide behind and obstacle, and since i'm not under attack i can hog all other targets to me while other can't attack them since they are mine" i personally think canon should just be taken down, of course, many pep will complain about it, then i remem that the only reason people want it it's cause it's a cheap shot, and **t in the same way a weapon like gs or whip is strong and therefore a staple in many set ups, but actually a cheap shot, the rest of eoc like action commands is more or less, at least making some commands unique to some kinds of weps would be nice, like how spc's used to work but more widespread, after all, the point was to remove the concept of having the best set up and click fast to win, but that's also pointless if now is having the right set up and press quick key faster, and creating just 2 ways to fight in melee(u either go for 2h or dual) isn't exactly a "varied way" to fight, meanwhile, from what i've seen, magic and rng stayed the same, is about having the best set up and spamming ur action commands, and magic is sitll underwhelming, since there doesn't seem to be a good way to change ur spells, even putting them in action bar requires to keep on pressing rather than changing the autocasting option, and it also takes spc some action commands would, wich doesn't affects rng or melee since they only need what they wield
19-Nov-2012 17:39:53