Hey, so the last time I was on the beta I decided to give claws a try. What I found was, that other than their crit bonuses they had the same stats (DPS wise) as most other dragon weapons I tried. The crit bonus itself is is 1.5% (if dual wielded).
As far as I know there haven't been any posts by the Jagex team regarding what a crit does. Looking through youtube I found that Jagex said that a crit bonus is the chances of hitting a crit, and a crit is 150% of your max. After reading that, I also read that players went and tested it themselves and found that it was really more around 120%.
1.5% crit bonus is the same as 1.5/100 hits being a crit. Even if you do hit a crit, it is still nowhere near the hits of an abyssal whip.
Dragon claw damage - 514
Abyssal whip damage - 672
Dragon claw damage w/ crit - 616.8 / 771 (1.2 and 1.5x multipliers respectively)
So even if crits will be 150% damage, it will be about 100 damage higher. This is a moderate amount sure, but the chances are only .8%...
Let's be honest, for the price of claws (which will still be more than a whip after they're done crashing), a whip is still way better. Getting 60-70 attack takes hardly any time. The only people I can see using claws to get 60-70 attack will be the kids that steal their moms credit card, buy rsgp, then don't know what to do with it because they're noobs.
I'm not mad about claws not being a viable weapon after Eoc because I didn't own a pair when they started to crash, I'm just pointing out you failed miserably at making the quest reward for such a high lv quest useless.
19-Nov-2012 18:56:40