
Castle Wars in Ace of Spades!

Quick find code: 294-295-123-64162330



Posts: 114 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
All the reviews say its boring and laggy lol. All the new games that Jagex try to make end up as ****. Its obviously because their extremely greedy and the enjoyment of their customers is literally at the end of the list. The list goes: Find another game that's successful and copy them, calculate how much profit they could make, brainstorm on how to use the least amount of effort to create it, staff too busy designing promotional items for the SoF in RS, hire old buddies from highschool, give 48 hours to finish, skip bug testing because that doesn't give us any money does it, and then release , advertise and repeat.

27-Dec-2012 21:04:53

Mike Lt
Apr Member 2007

Mike Lt

Posts: 2,992 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Add a level editor that allows use of custom skinpacks and music and I'll consider buying it.

Nah, I'll probably stick with Team Fortress 2. The classes are more intresting (Gameplay & Personality) and it is actually free to play and allows more customization.


27-Dec-2012 21:09:10 - Last edited on 27-Dec-2012 21:11:26 by Mike Lt

Mar Member 2011


Posts: 1,456 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I thought it was strange while logged on to F2P yesterday I noticed an ad for a game unrelated to Jagex/RuneScape. Should have known it was another FunOrb thing trying to invade our game's news once more.

We didn't care back when you forced our friends list to be packed with who signed in to games not RuneScape, and we didn't care for when every day was more news regarding FunOrb (now replaced with Squeal of Fortune or Solomon).

But it is good to know this other game advert is not a slip up like the time you guys were promoting WoW on the top of RS F2P worlds.

27-Dec-2012 21:22:35

Sep Member 2020


Posts: 1,132 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Only thing this news has in common with RS is the fact the developers were too lazy to create new content - so they simply copy/pasted Castle Wars design over in to another game that nobody even cares/plays.

Isn't your RS player base small enough after EoC? Why send more players away to other games?

27-Dec-2012 21:25:57



Posts: 269 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Seems like most the players who post on these sorta threads are the kinda people that shout "FIRE!" when a light goes on. Go in with no evidence of claims or prior knowledge and slander anything within range. I wouldn't be too happy to make content for you lot, if I was in their shoes.

27-Dec-2012 21:34:26

May Member 2023


Posts: 96 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have a request ****idering ace of spades.
In your demolition gamemode the point is to destoy your oponents base and repair yours, but there's the problem. repairing is impossible! The way you build doesn't allow to restore the support to buildings fast enaugh to prevent your opponents destroying it and making it collapse. We need something like "refill" or "restore" which would build the constructions the way it was at the beginning of the match, because right now it's a race to destroy the other base without being able to do a single ting with your own, just spam a few pre-builds. And by the way, I have 60 ping, I line up my cross-hair perfectly with an opponents head and BAM, nothing happened... everytime I'm sniping wtf :( ?

27-Dec-2012 22:38:21

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