What i'd like to know is this: When do the handouts and free xp stop? At what point did we go from a skill based game to this ***** mmorpg that was voted game of the year in 2012? Clearly you've sold out, your turning your game into facebook. I'm here for the legends, those of us who've played since the start, The ones you're pushing away from this game. We don't want a two year game, we want the game that used to take years to play. This isn't an mmorpg anymore and i'm ashamed to say that this was my escape for so many years. Ten years of playing this game, it was my solice for so long.. Not anymore. Ten years for this game to be all about money, tisk tisk.. If i could take back the 365 days of playtime i have on this game, I WOULD. What a waste.
30-Dec-2012 08:21:03