I must give full credit to Jagax for introducing the sof, it was a fantastic update. I thoroughly enjoyed hoping to get the free bcp/tessels. However, since the introduction o the ability to buy spins, the sof has lost it's value for me. Especially with this update, the sof can be a really easy way to accquire supplies and lamps to quickly benefit and level your char. Jagax says that "We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape." The ability to purchase spins on the sof is a direct contradiction as it allows players to accquire wealth for practically no real effort in the game itself. Granted, players have little to no control over what they receive, anything they receive adds "value" to the character, making success easier in runescape.
In conclusion, after babbling on and on, I believe that the sof is worth keeping. However, the cash grab by offering buyable spins really makes the game worse off. Jagax, listen to your players, because players are the people keeping you in business. In the forums, I have seen far more negative feedback than positive. In the long run, you're only killing yourselves.
All the best Jagax, I sincerely hope that this game will improve for the better.
01-Jun-2012 08:15:27